Quotes From "The Trick Is To Keep Breathing" By Janice Galloway

I already read everything. I read poems and plays and novels and newspapers and comic books and magazines. I read tins in supermarkets and leaflets that come through the door, unsolicited mail. None of it lasts long and it doesn't give me answers. Reading too fast is not soothing. Janice Galloway
It's asking for trouble to listen to music alone. Janice Galloway
No matter how dark the room gets I can always see. It looks emptier when I put the lights on so I don't do it if I can help it. Brightness disagrees with me: it hurts my eyes, wastes electricity and encourages moths, all sorts of things. I sit in the dark for a number of reasons. Janice Galloway
You would think there's a natural limit to tears: only so much the body can give at one sitting before it runs dry. Janice Galloway